viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

Testigo de Jehova muere al no aceptar una transfusion de sangre durante el nacimiento de su hijo.

Delusion or faith?Jehovah's Witness dies after rejecting blood transfusion during child birth

The 28-yr-old woman identified as Michelle had lost a lot of blood while giving birth to Ella Marie her daughter, so much that she needed a quick transfusion but based on her faith that forbids all Witnesses from receiving transfusions, she rejected the offer
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Other members of Michelle's church have praised her for her courage even in the face of
Other members of Michelle's church have praised her for her courage even in the face of death.
 (JW _Inspirational/Instagram)
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A Jehovah's Witness mother has died after rejecting blood transfusion during the birth of her daughter.
The 28-yr-old woman identified as Michelle had lost a lot of blood while giving birth to Ella Marie her daughter, so much that she needed a quick transfusion but based on her  faith that forbids all Witnesses from receiving transfusions, she rejected the offer.
Reports say Michelle died soon afterwards leaving her daughter behind.
Meanwhile, other members of Michelle's church have praised for her courage even in the face of death. reported it like this:
...well while delivering Emma; Michelle lost a lot of blood. So much so that she needed a blood transfusion. Michelle refused. Even after having a tube inserted in her and not being able to speak… She signed NO BLOOD. Our dear sister despite finally having the baby she’s wanted for such a long time, remained loyal to the end.
As a former Witness, it is shocking to think I would once have either tried excusing or endorsing such mindless comments, or even offered similar sentiments myself. If the coercion in Watchtower literature is potent enough to allow a mother to excuse herself from her baby daughter’s life out of misplaced feelings of loyalty, it is certainly strong enough to make an otherwise intelligent person try to rationalize such a senseless loss of precious human life and put a positive spin on it.
I can only hope that little Emma Marie doesn’t grow up to blame herself, or her mother, for what has happened. Blame for this outrage lies squarely on the shoulders of a group of deluded, cloistered men in Brooklyn who have the power to save lives right now by lifting the needless ban on blood, but refuse to.

2 comentarios:

  1. Me parece terrible que la pequeña Ella Marie se quede sin madre. Como se sentirá el esposo hoy en esa situación? Que pasa si el esposo cambia de parecer y se dá cuenta del error? Como estarán los padres de Michele?

    Aqui hay un extestigo que le nego la sangre a su hijo de 15 años y el joven murió, su padre se volvió alcohólico por la muerte de su hijo y anda como un loco en las calles..... El poder de estos hombres del cuerpo gobernante es muy grande hasta el grado de los testigos de ofrecer su propia vida creyéndole a estos charlatanes...


    Que horror que horror.

  2. Es terrible que estas muertes innecesarias lleguen a ocurrir.Si llevaramos la cuenta de las muertes producidas por falta de una transfusion a lo largo de todos estos años,es muy posible que fueran MUCHOS MILES de vidas entregadas NO al error doctrinal de la secta, pues no es un error.... porque esto son sacrificios de sangre que wt.ofrece a SU dios;dios que no es precisamente el DIOS DE LA BIBLIA.
    Una joven de 28 años que acababa de tener una hijita,en su control mental,ha preferido morir porque unos canallas en Brooklyn lo han impuesto.
    Su esposo tambien testigo lo ha tolerado.Como resultado esa niñita,no tendra nunca una madre.
    Tanto sufrimiento y dolor por algo que no es verdad que Dios desee para sus hijos humanos.
    Los lobos de Brooklyn,tienen las manos chorreando de sangre inocente,y pagaran por ello.
